Year End Letter

Year End Letter

As another year comes to a close and a new one begins, we find ourselves reflecting on the lessons learned during our journey. When we started our non-profit, I believed that the goodness of our cause would automatically resonate with everyone, especially our friends. Over time, I discovered that while people appreciate our work, their interests may lie in different causes, such as protecting the planet or supporting victims of abuse. I’ve come to understand that, in life, everyone contributes to various causes close to their hearts. So, please do contribute to whatever cause resonates with you. As Anne Frank said, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Last year, many of you generously donated to our organization, and we truly appreciate your support. Admittedly, we may not have been the best at sending thank-you letters, perhaps considering you as integral members of the “Friends of Sparsh” family. However, we’ve come to realize the importance of expressing our gratitude. From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support, which has contributed to the growth of our organization. Sometimes, I feel it’s not just the “Friends of Sparsh” but rather the “Family of Sparsh.” The name may be different, but the sentiment remains.

If you require a receipt for your donation, please do not hesitate to reach out or use our EIN Number (83-2446938) to get a tax write-off.

Thank you once again for being an invaluable part of our journey. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!

Warm regards,
Prakash Saraf
Neev Saraf

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